State law details the composition of all LAFCos shall generally include seven regular members divided between two (2) county supervisors, two (2) city coucil members, two (2) special district members and one (1) public member representation. Each represented category has one alternate. Appointments for the county are made by the board of supervisors. City members are appointed by the city selection committee, and the special district members are decided by majority election of the 30 independent districts. Appointments for public seats are determined by the regular seated LAFCo members after the candidates have been vetted for eligibility and interviews of candidates have been conducted. All terms are four years and there are no term limits.
Marin LAFCo’s policies direct the membership to elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its ranks to one-year terms at the first regular meeting in or immediately following May. The Chair serves as presiding officer of the Commission and is responsible for preserving appropriate order and decorum at all meetings. The Chair shall also serve as the immediate supervisor to the Executive Officer and is responsible for confirming agendas as well as making committee appointments. The Vice-Chair shall have all the powers and duties of the Chair during their absence or inability to act.

Below are the terms, biographies, and ethics certificates for each Commissioner.